Matt's Poker League Rules - 2025
- League is on Saturday nights (6:00pm) from January through Novemberr (1) night per month
- Place Points = (1) point for every player present (10 players = 10 points for 1st, etc)
- Top (2) players can chop, but bigger chip stack will receive extra place point
- (2) games of Texas Hold em will be played per night with 12 minute blind structure
- No re-buys will be allowed
- Must have at least (6) players to be a league game
- Player must be seated within first 12 minute blind or will not be considered present for game
- Player who misses a night/game will receive (5) points per game missed if league fee is paid next month
- No back paying of league fees for back points older than one month
- $30 ante per player per game
- Payouts per game will be 50% (1st), 30% (2nd), 20% (3rd)
- $5 optional bounty per game per participating player
- Bounty goes to player who knocks out another participating player
- Players who choose not to participate are not eligible to win bounties
- There will be (1) league point per bounty collected against a participating player
- $10 league fee for each night per player
- 50% of end of year league fees will be paid out at 50% (1st), 30% (2nd), 20% (3rd)
- 50% of end of year league fees will be paid out as prizes in end of the year league tournament in December
- Players can play in to the end of the year tournament if they have paid the $55 league fee
- As deemed necessary throughout the year, rule changes will be considered if majority of league players agree
- Matt reserves right to veto any proposed rule changes